Sunny day
Rainy day
■Snowy, winter days.

Good luck in the snow, ookami flag banners.

Entering the house entrance, just bigiing to see Snowy house.

Completely in snow.

Also garden too.

The barn is zinc roof,Snow fall soon.

The garden by fisheye lens.

Snow of the roof, still less.

Snow-covered garden.Um, what the flow?

For snow melting, we tried to flush the swamp in this year.It was successful.

Snow has melted, we enter the house easily.

A little more, so the snow fall.Do not approach carelessly.

It is covered with snow amulet.Needed to snow removal the roof.

Sudden snow fall from the tree.Be careful!

View from the garden entrance.

Good icicle.

Gutter is damaged by Weight of snow,can be a lot of icicles.

Because it is surrounded by snow amulet,indoor winter is dark.

View from the south side cedar trees gust room.

Winter weather will change soon.

There is no strong,off and on snow.

View form the rough field.In summer the grass is lush,but winter be covered snow.We can enter hear.

See the house from the end of the field.The snow come to stoping.

Approached the darkness...

See the stars from the break.Also seen the Orion Nebula.

Starry sky is always beautiful.A fly in the ointment,it's a little narrow.

Morning sunlight into the back of the house.

Trees glowing in the morning lights.

shining trees of the mountains.

Behind is the south side of the house.

We made Japanease style Igloo.
We called Kamakura.

Yet, it is small due to lack of material...

The material on the roof...
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