"Ookami Kodomo No Hana no ie"is an old private house used as the model of the house in which the hero "Hana" and family of movie "Ookami Kodomo No Ame To Yuki".
This homepage is disseminates information from the old private house of "Hana".
Rainy daySnow DayMovies
■Sunny day in October.
The flag banners of the mark stands in front of the house entrance.
The house starts to look the way.
It'the Standard position of Hana no ie.
A Grass storm-shutter opennig.
Storm-shutter Storage.All 12 shutters in put away.But it's Very tigh and barely.
A stable entrance.
It's very old and mossy entrance stairs.
Into the entrance up to the dirt floor.
Welcome to you!
Looking out from the hearth room.
There are a lot of illustrations pasted in the hall.
Yuki's one-pece for study design.
The dining table.You don't overturn...
The kitchen model back of the current kitchen.
Is behind the current kitchen.
Hearth room is one of the cozy rooms in this house.
Bedroom now under development!
Here is toilet.Yuki was rushed into the back in the movie,but hear.
View from garden.
Hana-no-ie surrounded by trees.Bathed in the light of day...
The Barn.Anything goes in???
Swamp water is flowing anytime.
The back of the kitchen.Clothes stand is placed in the movie.Sun is shining from morning till noon.
House entrance looking from house.
Hana sent to you wearing apron
There is a high base.Due to snow in winter season.
Glass patterns on storm-shutter.
Porch is westward.
The Sun came slowly tilted.
Here is a wooden porch on the north side.
The Sun light is in the room.
This side for the Buddhist altar room.
Bathed in gentle light.
All room is golden...
Soon, the sun will be hidden in the mountains.
Stained sunset sky.
Is it the weather will be better tomorrow?
Lamp was lit in the house.
Veil of darkness will come down.
It is a beautiful starry sky today. By fisheye lens.
Shutter opened for 30 minutes.But never to confess...
In the bonus is the sun of living well. In Sengoku Iori from forest road